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Interested Bidder List 12.21.2022.xlsRegistered Bidder List 12.21.202212/21/2022 8:28:47 AM
ADDENDA 1_ITB 2022-025.pdfAddenda 1 - Required Acknowledgement in Bid12/8/2022 2:10:05 PM
Interested Bidder List 12.7.2022.xlsRegistered Bidder List 12.7.202212/7/2022 8:01:51 AM
2022 - 025 ITB Fillable Bid Forms.docxBid Forms (Required!)11/16/2022 3:04:10 PM
BUS STOP DETAILS final 11-4-2022.xlsxBus Stop Details final 11-4-202211/16/2022 3:03:49 PM
2022-025 ITB ADA Bus Stop Improvements.pdfOriginal Solicitation11/16/2022 3:03:28 PM
WAC 171 Ruling.pdfWAC 171 Ruling (DOR)8/8/2022 3:24:53 PM

Public Questions & Answers
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QuestionAnswerDate Asked
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Stop ID 31111 - Lake Whatcom Blvd @ E. Strawberry Pt. Bellingham. It appears we are filling in an existing ditch to a certain degree. Are we going to be required to install a culvert under this concrete pad? Or would we need to address that in a change order if required? Do we just daylight the back wall drain into the existing ditch?Yes, install culvert pipe to maintain ditch drainage pathway. Yes. Dayight the back wall drain.12/15/2022 10:16:05 AM
If tree/shrub replacement is required, please provide spec for what plantings are required.Replace like-with-like. 1.36 VEGETATION PROTECTION AND RESTORATION In conjunction with WSDOT General Specification Division 1, section 1.07.16(2), Contractor shall protect all trees and vegetation that are not to be removed. Contractor shall take care not to damage existing sidewalks, curbs and road surfaces outside of the project limits. All damage or undermining shall be the contractor’s responsibility to immediately repair to the standards of the jurisdiction having authority.12/15/2022 10:14:24 AM
Is the contractor responsible to replace trees and shrubs?WTA doesn’t expect any trees to be harmed to the extent of not being salvageable. If shrubs are damaged and need to be replaced, they would need to be replaced like-with-like.12/15/2022 10:13:30 AM
Is the contractor performing work required to fill out a compliance plan and hire native employees for the work?Contractor will need to contact Lummi Nation TERO office to determine what the requirements will be to hire native employees. Here is the CONTACTS page 10:11:30 AM
2532 York Street @ Franklin. Are we supposed to connect the proposed back of wall drain to an existing catch basin or storm pipe? During excavation it is likely that the nearby trees & shrubs will be unsalvageable (likely be excavating within 1’ of the trees and will ruin the root base), is WTA in contact with the property owners about these issues or will communication between the property owners fall on the contractor?No, just drains into rock fill and into landscape. Use perforated pipe. WTA will communicate with property owners adjacent to the stops, about work being performed, prior to the work taking place. Regarding the shrubs, the Kinnikinnick groundcover can be cut back/removed from the excavation area and not replaced. There will be plenty of the groundcover left in place that won’t need to be disturbed. One or two shrubs may need to be relocated to other locations in the existing planting bed. Regarding the trees, WTA believes with careful excavation, and re-positioning the planned placement of the new ADA pad so it is more in the center between the two trees, the trees will survive. If needed for this location, the length of the new pad parallel to the roadway can be reduced to 8’ to help maintain the integrity of the trees.12/15/2022 10:09:52 AM
Is the contractor performing the work only required to pay the TERO tax?The contractor performing the work within Lummi Nation boundaries is required to required to fill out a compliance plan regardless of the project cost. The contractor also must pay the TERO tax when the work is over $5,000.00.12/15/2022 10:07:50 AM
Are there any TERO requirements for work performed on the Reservation?Yes, for all three (3) stop locations in Lummi Nation boundaries. This was confirmed with Kirk Vinish, Lummi Planning/Transportation Department.12/15/2022 10:06:29 AM
Type 4, 5, and 6 you are showing a 0% slope towards existing curb and gutter or existing improvement. Is this a correct detail?That is a correct detail. To comply with COB stormwater requirements, we don’t want the slope to be towards the curb. So in those cases with retaining wall in back, slope preference would be in one direction parallel to the curb, but not sloping towards the curb. This is so that we can direct the wash water from washing shelters and pads, into adjacent landscape. Wash water is not supposed to drain into storm drains, even without any soap products used.12/15/2022 8:39:55 AM
We are assuming all exisiting bus stop signs will be able to be reinstalled and no new signs are required?WTA will remove and install all WTA bus stop signage.12/8/2022 2:21:15 PM

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